After some friction plates crust, of submarine volcanoes that grow under pressure, of formation of islands and some great shovels of ground, mud and sand to fill the holes between them, and a little patience, 15 million years even so, the Isthmus of Panama is created! While the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean now live apart, it is on this long strip of land that cheerfully all nice animals and other pretty flowers go south to north and vice versa, allowing the Panama ‘s boasts an incredible biological richness! But to not stop in so good way in the work of creation, Panama began to join these two banks together, bereaved to have been so long separated, and THE channel will be the hyphen for men and goods from the west coast to the east coast and vice versa … Anyway, all this requires reflection, and because trade does not expect the number of years, the opening of a channel expanded, enlarged, invigorated is planned for August 2014, it should make a big spotlight on a country that deserves it, if only for all the trouble he gives himself ….

Panama program suggestions
Panama at a glance
- Area: 75 640 km2 at the southern end of Central America it is the link with South America. About 1 hour to get from the Pacific to the Atlantic and 10h from Panama City to the border with Costa Rica (by road).
- Population (approximately): 3, 461,000 inhabitants.
Capita Panama City with its suburbs: 1 million 300 thousand people more than a third of the Panamanian population. - Economy: The Panama Canal, once U.S., is now a major source of funding for the Panamanian State. Panama has the most powerful economy in Central America and Panama City is the largest financial center in Central America. One of the specificities of the country at the political level is that it has given up on having a powerful army in favor of the protection of the environment, it is also the country with the highest proportion protected by national parks.
- Have read, seen and heard : (read) Itinerario de la Poesía en Panama by Rodrigo Miro to better understand the many movements of poetry in Panama and one of the figures of the genre Rogelio Sinan, also author of novels and stories, (seen ) for the fans, a boxing match of Mano de Piedra alias Roberto Duran and a baseball game with Mariano Rivera, both Panamanian athletes most successful and admired, (seen) a dance Cumbia Santena with women dressed in a beautiful traditional Pollera, (heard) and danced on reggaeton songs with the group La Factoria, inspired by the Jamaican reggae, reggaeton was born in Panama and evolves in Puerto Rico, and the inevitable Panamanian salsa icon Ruben Blades and his interpretation of La Murga de Panama.
- To read, see and hear these days : (read) the authors concerned by sociopolitical realities such as Tristan Solarte and Joaquin Beleño, (read) the stories of Jose Luis Rodriguez Pitti and his last collection Sueños Urbanos and the last poems by Manuel Orestes Nieto, (see) Chance a Panamanian comedy black humor led by Abner Benaim, (see) a special videoarte dedicated to the 110 years of Panama in 2013 arranged by Pitti and the talented painter artist Aristides Ureña Ramos, (hear) the next Makano album highly expected by the addicted to reggaeton, meanwhile dance on this reggaeton song Rumba with Aldo Ranks, in another register dance a great salsa with the Orquesta Sociedad Anónima con sabor y tumbao.